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Questionnaire survey (Questionnaire scales): Chapter 16 - Curriculum and Learning Time in International School Achievement Studies (PISA 2015)

This study includes a fraction of the context assessment in the PISA 2015 field trial that covers topics of "Curriculum and Learning Time in International School Achievement Studies": Students? opportunities to learn are closely related to student achievement and thus are an important aspect of education effectiveness research. International school achievement studies have stressed their importance for questions of equity in education. This chapter concentrates on the quantity of opportunities to learn: i.e., the curriculum content and the amount of learning time that a student experiences. A literature review leads to the identification of core concepts of curriculum and learning time that should be included in international large-scale assessments (ISLAs) in order to enable meaningful reporting, provide useful data for secondary research, and facilitate policy making. The resulting theoretical frameworks, combined with the literature on education effectiveness research, are compared against previous measures for both concepts in ILSAs, and provide the foundation for questionnaire material that was developed for, implemented and evaluated in the field trial for PISA 2015.    less

StudyPISA 2015 - Programme for International Student Assessment - Field Trial

LeaderKlieme, Eckhard; Kuger, Susanne; Jude, Nina

Persistent IdentifierDOI: 10.7477/150:171:1

CitationKuger, S. (2016). Programme for International Student Assessment (2015) - Fragebogenerhebung Chapter 16 - Curriculum and Learning Time in International School Achievement Studies (PISA 2015) [Skalenkollektion: Version 1.0]. Datenerhebung 2014. Frankfurt am Main: Forschungsdatenzentrum Bildung am DIPF.

Time Period of Data Collection2014

Collection coverage (Geographic)Albania; Algeria; Argentina; Australia; Austria; Belgium; Brazil; Bulgaria; Canada; Chile; People's Republic of China; Chinese Taipei; Colombia; Costa Rica; Croatia; Czech Republic; Denmark; Dominican Republic; Estonia; Finland; Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; France; Georgia; Germany; Greece; Hong Kong- China; Hungary; Iceland; Indonesia; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Japan; Jordan; Kazakhstan; Korea; Kosovo; Latvia; Lebanon; Lithuania; Luxembourg; Macao-China; Malaysia; Malta; Mexico; Moldova; Montenegro; Netherlands; New Zealand; Norway; Peru; Poland; Portugal; Qatar; Romania; Russian Federation; Singapore; Slovak Republic; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Thailand; Trinidad and Tobago; Tunisia; Turkey; United Arab Emirates; United Kingdom; United States of America; Uruguay; Vietnam

Collection modeSelf-administered Questionnaire: Paper
Self-administered Questionnaire: CASI (Computer Assisted Self-Interview)

Specification of Survey UnitsStudent, Principal, Teacher Science

Resource type Questionnaire scales


AvailabilityDie Skalendokumentation ist frei verfügbar. Eine Verwendung der Instrumente, ganz oder in Teilen setzt die Achtung des Urheberrechts voraus. Urheber und Quelle sind entsprechend zu zitieren. Es gelten die allgemeinen Nutzungsbedingungen des Anbieters.

Archiving research data centreResearch Data Centre for Education (FDZ Bildung)

CopyrightKuger, Susanne

Publication date2016-12-06

Surveys of this studyQuestionnaire survey (Questionnaire scales): Chapter 04 - Field Trial (PISA 2015)
Questionnaire survey (Questionnaire scales): Chapter 18 - Teacher Qualifications and Professional Knowledge (PISA 2015)
Questionnaire survey (Questionnaire scales): Chapter 17 - Science Teaching and Learning in Schools (PISA 2015)
Questionnaire survey (Questionnaire scales): Chapter 15 - Building More Effective Education Systems (PISA 2015)
Questionnaire survey (Questionnaire scales): Chapter 13 - ICT Engagement in Learning Environments (PISA 2015)
Questionnaire survey (Questionnaire scales): Chapter 12 - Science-Related Outcomes: Attitudes, Motivation, Value Beliefs, Strategies (PISA 2015)
Questionnaire survey (Questionnaire scales): Chapter 11 - Dispositions for Collaborative Problem Solving (PISA 2015)
Questionnaire survey (Questionnaire scales): Chapter 10 - General Noncognitive Outcomes (PISA 2015)
Questionnaire survey (Questionnaire scales): Chapter 08 - Parental Support and Involvement in School (PISA 2015)
Questionnaire survey (Questionnaire scales): Chapter 07 - Early Childhood Learning Experiences (PISA 2015)
Questionnaire survey (Questionnaire scales): Chapter 06 - Ethnicity and Migration (PISA 2015)
Questionnaire survey (Questionnaire scales): Chapter 05 - Social Background (PISA 2015)
Questionnaire survey (Questionnaire scales): Chapter 19 - Assessment and Evaluation in Educational Contexts (PISA 2015)

Scales by construct

Individueller Hintergrund
Institutioneller Hintergrund
  1. Additional instruction (Student)
  2. Additional learning time (science courses taken) – Prompt 1 (Student)
  3. Additional learning time availability (Principal)
  4. Additional learning time, purpose (Principal)
  5. Amount of loss in additional instruction on individual level (Student)
  6. Amount of study time (Student)
  7. Content of additional mathematics instruction (Student)
  8. Content: Approaches and processes (Teacher Science)
  9. Content: Components described in the science curriculum (Teacher Science)
  10. Curriculum availability for parents (Teacher Science)
  11. Format of curriculum availability to students (Teacher Science)
  12. Format of curriculum availability to teachers (Teacher Science)
  13. Freedom in curriculum choice (Student)
  14. Handling of additional instruction in the school/school district (Principal)
  15. Instructional days per week (Principal)
  16. Instructional days per year (Principal)
  17. Location of additional [test language] instruction (Student)
  18. Location of additional mathematics instruction (Student)
  19. Location of additional science instruction (Student)
  20. Loss additional instruction on individual level – truancy (Student)
  21. Loss on national/regional level (Principal)
  22. Number of hours in additional instruction (Student)
  23. Reasons for additional mathematics instruction (Student)
  24. Reasons for additional science instruction (Student)
  25. Reasons for not attending additional mathematics instruction (Student)
  26. Reasons for not attending additional science instruction (Student)
  27. School policies on additional instruction (Principal)
  28. Science curriculum (Teacher Science)
  29. Type of additional [test language] instruction (Student)
  30. Type of additional mathematics instruction (Student)
  31. Type of additional science instruction (Student)
Prozesse auf Schulebene

Erhebungsschwerpunkte auf einen Blick (Skalen nach Konstrukt)

Individueller Hintergrund

Berufliche Situation Bildungsbiografie Selbstbezogene Einstellungen Lern- und leistungsbezogene Einstellungen Schulbezogene Einstellungen und Verhaltensweisen Politische und soziale Einstellungen Migrationshintergrund Kulturelles Kapital Individuelle Merkmale Familiärer Hintergrund Professionelles Selbstverständnis Fachlich-pädagogisches Wissen Berufserfahrung Ausbildung Private ICT-Nutzung TV und Medien Konsum Lese- und Schreibgewohnheiten Freizeitaktivitäten und Peergruppe Wahrnehmung der Schule als Lernort Häusliche Lernunterstützung Nachhilfeunterricht Elterliches Erziehungshandeln Elterliche Bildungsaspiration Elterliches Fachwissen und Weltbilder

Institutioneller Hintergrund

Ausstattung der Schule Standort der Schule Organisation des Schulbetriebs Organisation des Lehrbetriebs Organisation des Ganztagsbetriebs Schulische ICT Nutzung Lerngelegenheiten Zusammensetzung der Schülerschaft Zusammensetzung des Kollegiums

Prozesse auf Schulebene

Schulleitungshandeln Kollegialität Elternarbeit Schulinterne Kooperation Schulexterne Kooperation Programmatische Entwicklungsarbeit Evaluation und Leistungsmessung Maßnahmen der Qualitätsentwicklung Wahrnehmung der Schule als Lebensort Soziales Klima Deviantes Verhalten Partizipatives Schulklima


Lernklima Klassenklima Qualität von Ganztagsangeboten Angebotsklima Fachliche Unterstützung / individuelle Förderung Einsatz und Variation verschiedener Unterrichtsmethoden Klarheit und Strukturiertheit Kognitive Aktivierung Umgang mit Hausaufgaben Effektive Zeitnutzung / Disziplin im Unterricht Leistungsbeurteilung / Diagnostische Kompetenz Schülerorientierung / Soziale Unterstützung Bezugsnormorientierung Unterrichtsvorbereitung und Unterrichtsinhalte

Schulische Wirkungen

Kognitive Lernergebnisse Metakognitive Lernergebnisse Selbstbezogene Einstellungen (Lernergebnis) Lern- und leistungsbezogene Einstellungen (Lernergebnis) Politische und soziale Einstellungen (Lernergebnis) Schulbezogene Einstellungen und Verhaltensweisen (Lernergebnis)

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