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Skala: Anchoring Vignette – Motivation

KonstruktzuordnungLern- und leistungsbezogene Einstellungen, Schulbezogene Einstellungen und Verhaltensweisen

Theoretische Zuordnung in der AusgangsstudieStudent Atttidudes, Preferences and Self-related beliefs

UrsprungSelbstentwickelte Skala

QuelleCore 6 Development ,

ZitationKuger, S.; Jude, N.; Klieme, E.; Kaplan, D. (2016). Anchoring Vignette – Motivation - Schüler [Fragebogenskala: Version 1.0]. In: Programme for International Student Assessment (2015) - Fragebogenerhebung Chapter 04 - Field Trial (PISA 2015) [Skalenkollektion: Version 1.0]. Datenerhebung 2014. Frankfurt am Main: Forschungsdatenzentrum Bildung am DIPF.

Theoretischer Hintergrund--




Anzahl Items3

Einleitender TextPlease read the descriptions about the following three students. Based on the information provided here, how much would you disagree or agree with the statement that this student is motivated?
Please select one response in each row.

Items der Skala

[NAME 1] gives up easily when confronted with a problem and is often not prepared for his classes. [Name 1] is motivated. 1.570.77--
[NAME 2] mostly remains interested in the tasks she starts and sometimes does more than what is expected from her. [Name 2] is motivated. 3.170.73--
[NAME 3] wants to get top [grades] at school and continues working on tasks until everything is perfect. [Name 3] is motivated. 3.430.79--


1Strongly disagree
4Strongly Agree

StudiePISA - Programme for International Student Assessment (2015)

ErhebungFragebogenerhebung (Skalenkollektion): Chapter 04 - Field Trial (PISA 2015)

Skala: Anchoring Vignette – Motivation

KonstruktzuordnungLern- und leistungsbezogene Einstellungen, Schulbezogene Einstellungen und Verhaltensweisen

Theoretische Zuordnung in der AusgangsstudieStudent Atttidudes, Preferences and Self-related beliefs

UrsprungSelbstentwickelte Skala

QuelleCore 6 Development ,

ZitationKuger, S.; Jude, N.; Klieme, E.; Kaplan, D. (2016). Anchoring Vignette – Motivation - Schüler [Fragebogenskala: Version 1.0]. In: Programme for International Student Assessment (2015) - Fragebogenerhebung Chapter 04 - Field Trial (PISA 2015) [Skalenkollektion: Version 1.0]. Datenerhebung 2014. Frankfurt am Main: Forschungsdatenzentrum Bildung am DIPF.

Theoretischer Hintergrund--




Anzahl Items3

Einleitender TextPlease read the descriptions about the following three students. Based on the information provided here, how much would you disagree or agree with the statement that this student is motivated?
Please select one response in each row.

Items der Skala

[NAME 1] gives up easily when confronted with a problem and is often not prepared for his classes. [Name 1] is motivated. 1.570.77--
[NAME 2] mostly remains interested in the tasks she starts and sometimes does more than what is expected from her. [Name 2] is motivated. 3.170.73--
[NAME 3] wants to get top [grades] at school and continues working on tasks until everything is perfect. [Name 3] is motivated. 3.430.79--


1Strongly disagree
4Strongly Agree

StudiePISA - Programme for International Student Assessment (2015)

ErhebungFragebogenerhebung (Skalenkollektion): Chapter 10 - General Noncognitive Outcomes (PISA 2015)

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