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Suche Forschungsinstrumente Fragebogeninstrumente Skalensuche Skala

Skala: Cooperate, guide and negotiate

KonstruktzuordnungLern- und leistungsbezogene Einstellungen

Theoretische Zuordnung in der AusgangsstudieStudent dispositions related to collaborative problem solving/Collaboration and teamwork dispositions

UrsprungSelbstentwickelte Skala

QuelleCore 6 Development ,

ZitationKuger, S.; Jude, N.; Klieme, E.; Kaplan, D. (2016). Cooperate, guide and negotiate - Schüler [Fragebogenskala: Version 1.0]. In: Programme for International Student Assessment (2015) - Fragebogenerhebung Chapter 04 - Field Trial (PISA 2015) [Skalenkollektion: Version 1.0]. Datenerhebung 2014. Frankfurt am Main: Forschungsdatenzentrum Bildung am DIPF.

Theoretischer Hintergrund--




Anzahl Items18

Einleitender TextTo what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statements about yourself?
Please select one response in each row.

Items der Skala

I prefer working as part of a team to working alone. 2.830.88--
I am a good listener. 3.110.69--
I enjoy seeing my classmates be successful. 3.080.71--
I like to be in charge of groups or projects. 2.630.87--
I enjoy sharing ideas. 3.010.73--
I convince others to see things my way. 2.710.82--
I enjoy exchanging ideas. 3.020.71--
I take into account what others are interested in. 3.050.70--
I find that teams make better decisions than individuals. 2.970.82--
I like convincing peers. 2.770.79--
I enjoy bringing a team together. 2.920.79--
I enjoy considering different perspectives. 2.990.71--
I find that teamwork raises my own efficiency. 2.880.82--
I enjoy cooperating with peers. 3.070.73--
I am open to all sorts of opinions. 3.010.72--
I enjoy providing feedback. 2.910.75--
I am flexible when working with a team. 2.930.72--
I enjoy assisting in a team. 3.090.71--


1Strongly disagree
4Strongly Agree

StudiePISA - Programme for International Student Assessment (2015)

ErhebungFragebogenerhebung (Skalenkollektion): Chapter 04 - Field Trial (PISA 2015)

Skala: Cooperate, guide and negotiate

KonstruktzuordnungLern- und leistungsbezogene Einstellungen

Theoretische Zuordnung in der AusgangsstudieStudent dispositions related to collaborative problem solving/Collaboration and teamwork dispositions

UrsprungSelbstentwickelte Skala

QuelleCore 6 Development ,

ZitationKuger, S.; Jude, N.; Klieme, E.; Kaplan, D. (2016). Cooperate, guide and negotiate - Schüler [Fragebogenskala: Version 1.0]. In: Programme for International Student Assessment (2015) - Fragebogenerhebung Chapter 04 - Field Trial (PISA 2015) [Skalenkollektion: Version 1.0]. Datenerhebung 2014. Frankfurt am Main: Forschungsdatenzentrum Bildung am DIPF.

Theoretischer Hintergrund--




Anzahl Items18

Einleitender TextTo what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statements about yourself?
Please select one response in each row.

Items der Skala

I prefer working as part of a team to working alone. 2.830.88--
I am a good listener. 3.110.69--
I enjoy seeing my classmates be successful. 3.080.71--
I like to be in charge of groups or projects. 2.630.87--
I enjoy sharing ideas. 3.010.73--
I convince others to see things my way. 2.710.82--
I enjoy exchanging ideas. 3.020.71--
I take into account what others are interested in. 3.050.70--
I find that teams make better decisions than individuals. 2.970.82--
I like convincing peers. 2.770.79--
I enjoy bringing a team together. 2.920.79--
I enjoy considering different perspectives. 2.990.71--
I find that teamwork raises my own efficiency. 2.880.82--
I enjoy cooperating with peers. 3.070.73--
I am open to all sorts of opinions. 3.010.72--
I enjoy providing feedback. 2.910.75--
I am flexible when working with a team. 2.930.72--
I enjoy assisting in a team. 3.090.71--


1Strongly disagree
4Strongly Agree

StudiePISA - Programme for International Student Assessment (2015)

ErhebungFragebogenerhebung (Skalenkollektion): Chapter 11 - Dispositions for Collaborative Problem Solving (PISA 2015)

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