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Skala: Amount of study time

KonstruktzuordnungOrganisation des Lehrbetriebs

Theoretische Zuordnung in der AusgangsstudieLearning time and curriculum/additional learning time/

UrsprungSelbstentwickelte Skala

QuelleCore 6 Development ,

ZitationKuger, S.; Jude, N.; Klieme, E.; Kaplan, D. (2016). Amount of study time - Schüler [Fragebogenskala: Version 1.0]. In: Programme for International Student Assessment (2015) - Fragebogenerhebung Chapter 04 - Field Trial (PISA 2015) [Skalenkollektion: Version 1.0]. Datenerhebung 2014. Frankfurt am Main: Forschungsdatenzentrum Bildung am DIPF.

Theoretischer Hintergrund--




Anzahl Items5

Kennwerte der Skala

Cronbachs AlphaMittelwertStandardabweichungStichprobengröße

Einleitender TextThis school year, approximately how many hours per week do you spend learning in addition to your required school schedule in the following subjects?
Please move the bar to the number of total hours. Select “0” (zero) if you do not do homework, study or practice for a subject.
Please include the total hours for homework, additional instruction, and private study.

Items der Skala

[School science] 4.124.830.74
Mathematics 4.644.880.78
[Test language] 3.834.560.81
[Foreign language] 3.965.040.70
Other 4.645.370.66


1Number per week min value: 0
2Number per week max value: 30 or more (numeric slider)

StudiePISA - Programme for International Student Assessment (2015)

ErhebungFragebogenerhebung (Skalenkollektion): Chapter 04 - Field Trial (PISA 2015)

Skala: Amount of study time

KonstruktzuordnungOrganisation des Lehrbetriebs

Theoretische Zuordnung in der AusgangsstudieLearning time and curriculum/additional learning time/

UrsprungSelbstentwickelte Skala

QuelleCore 6 Development ,

ZitationKuger, S.; Jude, N.; Klieme, E.; Kaplan, D. (2016). Amount of study time - Schüler [Fragebogenskala: Version 1.0]. In: Programme for International Student Assessment (2015) - Fragebogenerhebung Chapter 04 - Field Trial (PISA 2015) [Skalenkollektion: Version 1.0]. Datenerhebung 2014. Frankfurt am Main: Forschungsdatenzentrum Bildung am DIPF.

Theoretischer Hintergrund--




Anzahl Items5

Kennwerte der Skala

Cronbachs AlphaMittelwertStandardabweichungStichprobengröße

Einleitender TextThis school year, approximately how many hours per week do you spend learning in addition to your required school schedule in the following subjects?
Please move the bar to the number of total hours. Select “0” (zero) if you do not do homework, study or practice for a subject.
Please include the total hours for homework, additional instruction, and private study.

Items der Skala

[School science] 4.124.830.74
Mathematics 4.644.880.78
[Test language] 3.834.560.81
[Foreign language] 3.965.040.70
Other 4.645.370.66


1Number per week min value: 0
2Number per week max value: 30 or more (numeric slider)

StudiePISA - Programme for International Student Assessment (2015)

ErhebungFragebogenerhebung (Skalenkollektion): Chapter 16 - Curriculum and Learning Time in International School Achievement Studies (PISA 2015)

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