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Scale: Evaluation policies and policies on teacher accountability

Related constructEvaluation und Leistungsmessung

Theoretical allocation in original studySchool evaluation/Norms/

OriginScale taken over from

SourceOECD, online: Student/School/Parent Questionnaire PISA 2012 [available at] , Paris: OECD Publishing

CitationSee source

Theoretical background--

Target groupPrincipal

Time Period of Data Collection2014

Internal school evaluation: Evaluation as part of a process controlled by a school in which the school defines which areas are judged; the evaluation may be conducted by members of the school or by persons/institutions commissioned by the school.

External school evaluation: Evaluation as part of a process controlled and headed by an external body. The school does not define the areas which are judged.

Release date30.06.2020

Number of items13

IntroductionDo the following arrangements aimed at quality assurance and improvements exist in your school and where do they come from?
Please select one response in each row.
If you need further explanation of the term “internal school evaluation” or “external school evaluation”, please use the help button.


Item textMean valueStandard deviationAccuracy
Internal evaluation/Self-evaluation 1.620.59--
External evaluation 1.560.83--
Written specification of the school’s curricular profile and educational goals 1.540.63--
Written specification of student performance standards 1.720.72--
Systematic recording of data such as teacher or student attendance and professional development 1.590.59--
Systematic recording of student test results and graduation rates 1.550.57--
Seeking written feedback from students (e.g. regarding lessons, teachers or resources) 2.160.58--
Teacher mentoring 2.000.62--
Regular consultation aimed at school improvement with one or more experts over a period of at least six months 2.340.69--
Implementation of a standardised policy for science subjects (i.e. school curriculum with shared instructional materials accompanied by staff development and training) 1.920.77--
Policies on negative consequences for teachers performing poorly 2.200.73--
Policies on rewards for teachers performing exceptionally well 2.240.68--
Policies on the continuing professional development of particular poorly performing teachers 2.210.69--

Response category

1Yes, this is mandatory, e.g. based on district or ministry policies
2Yes, based on school initiative

StudyPISA - Programme for International Student Assessment (2015)

SurveyFragebogenerhebung (Skalenkollektion): Chapter 19 - Assessment and Evaluation in Educational Contexts (PISA 2015)

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