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Scale: Parents’ background/Spending on educational services

Related constructElternarbeit

Theoretical allocation in original studyParental involvement

OriginScale taken over from

SourceOECD, online: Student/School/Parent Questionnaire PISA 2012 [available at] , Paris: OECD Publishing

OECD, online: Student/School/Parent Questionnaire PISA 2009 [available at] , Paris: OECD Publishing

OECD, online: Student/School/Parent Questionnaire PISA 2006 [available at] , Paris: OECD Publishing

CitationSee source

Theoretical background--

Target groupParent

Time Period of Data Collection2014

Release date30.06.2020

Number of items1

IntroductionPlease tick only one box.
Please answer the following question thinking just of expenses related to [the student who brought this questionnaire home].
In determining this, please include any tuition fees you pay to your child’s school, any other fees paid to individual teachers in the school or to other teachers for any tutoring your child receives, as well as any fees for cram school.
Do not include the costs of goods like sports equipment, school uniforms, computers or textbooks if they are not included in a general fee (that is, if you have to buy these things separately).


Item text
In the last twelve months, about how much would you have paid to educational providers for services?

Response category

2[More than $0 but less than $W]
3[$W or more but less than $X]
4[$X or more but less than $Y]
5[$Y or more but less than $Z]
6[$Z] or more

StudyPISA - Programme for International Student Assessment (2015)

SurveyFragebogenerhebung (Skalenkollektion): Chapter 04 - Field Trial (PISA 2015)

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