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Scale: School policies for parental involvement

Related constructElternarbeit

Theoretical allocation in original studyParental involvement/Home-to-school-collaboration/

OriginSelf-developed scale

SourceCore 6 Development ,

CitationKuger, S.; Jude, N.; Klieme, E.; Kaplan, D. (2016). School policies for parental involvement - Schulleitung [Fragebogenskala: Version 1.0]. In: Programme for International Student Assessment (2015) - Fragebogenerhebung Chapter 04 - Field Trial (PISA 2015) [Skalenkollektion: Version 1.0]. Datenerhebung 2014. Frankfurt am Main: Forschungsdatenzentrum Bildung am DIPF.

Theoretical background--

Target groupPrincipal

Time Period of Data Collection2014

Release date30.06.2020

Number of items9

IntroductionDo the following statements about parental involvement apply to your school?
Please select one response in each row.


Item textMean valueStandard deviationAccuracy
Our school invites parents to participate in school-wide activities on a regular basis. 1.130.33--
Our school provides a welcoming and accepting atmosphere for parents to get involved. 1.060.24--
Our school designs effective forms of school-to-home and home-to-school communications about school programmes and children's progress. 1.120.32--
Our school includes parents in school decisions. 1.240.43--
Our school offers parent education (e.g. courses on family literacy) or family support (e.g. to assist with health or nutrition). 1.560.50--
Our school provides information and ideas for families about how to help students at home with homework and other curriculum-related activities, decisions, and planning. 1.180.38--
Our school identifies and integrates resources and services from the community to strengthen school programmes, family practices, and student learning and development. 1.340.47--
Our school keeps parents informed about their child’s progress. 1.010.12--
There is a [national, state, or district legislation] on including parents in school activities. 1.290.45--

Response category


StudyPISA - Programme for International Student Assessment (2015)

SurveyFragebogenerhebung (Skalenkollektion): Chapter 04 - Field Trial (PISA 2015)

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