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Skala: Science self-efficacy

KonstruktzuordnungLern- und leistungsbezogene Einstellungen (Lernergebnis)

Theoretische Zuordnung in der AusgangsstudieScience-related outcomes: attitudes, motivation, value beliefs, strategies/self-related cognitions

UrsprungÜbernommene Skala

Zitationsiehe Quelle

Theoretischer Hintergrund--

Fachspezifischscience instruction




Anzahl Items8

Kennwerte der Skala

Cronbachs AlphaMittelwertStandardabweichungStichprobengröße

Einleitender TextHow easy do you think it would be for you to perform the following tasks on your own?
Please select one response in each row.

Items der Skala

Recognise the science question that underlies a newspaper report on a health issue. 2.070.850.57
Explain why earthquakes occur more frequently in some areas than in others. 2.020.890.60
Describe the role of antibiotics in the treatment of disease. 2.250.930.62
Identify the science question associated with the disposal of garbage. 2.180.910.63
Predict how changes to an environment will affect the survival of certain species. 2.120.920.65
Interpret the scientific information provided on the labelling of food items. 2.190.910.61
Discuss how new evidence can lead you to change your understanding about the possibility of life on Mars. 2.470.980.61
Identify the better of two explanations for the formation of acid rain. 2.330.970.62


1I could do this easily
2I could do this with a bit of effort
3I would struggle to do this on my own
4I couldn’t do this

StudiePISA - Programme for International Student Assessment (2015)

ErhebungFragebogenerhebung (Skalenkollektion): Chapter 12 - Science-Related Outcomes: Attitudes, Motivation, Value Beliefs, Strategies (PISA 2015)

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