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Skala: Teacher enthusiasm – scales

KonstruktzuordnungProfessionelles Selbstverständnis

Theoretische Zuordnung in der AusgangsstudieTeacher qualification and professional knowledge/Non-cognitive factors

UrsprungSelbstentwickelte Skala

QuelleCore 6 Development ,

ZitationKuger, S.; Jude, N.; Klieme, E.; Kaplan, D. (2016). Teacher enthusiasm – scales - Lehrkräfte [Fragebogenskala: Version 1.0]. In: Programme for International Student Assessment (2015) - Fragebogenerhebung Chapter 04 - Field Trial (PISA 2015) [Skalenkollektion: Version 1.0]. Datenerhebung 2014. Frankfurt am Main: Forschungsdatenzentrum Bildung am DIPF.

Theoretischer Hintergrund--

Fachspezifischscience instruction

ZielgruppeTeacher Science



Anzahl Items20

Kennwerte der Skala

Cronbachs AlphaMittelwertStandardabweichungStichprobengröße

Einleitender TextKeeping your main [school science] subject in mind, how much do you disagree or agree with the following statements?
Please select one response in each row.
If you teach the same number of hours for several [school science] subjects, choose only one of them.

Items der Skala

At this time, I am enthusiastic about the [school science] subject that I teach. 3.350.590.70
I enjoy preparing subject content in new ways. 3.300.580.69
I teach my [school science] subject with great enthusiasm. 3.380.580.78
I enjoy my [school science] subject and share this enthusiasm with my students. 3.370.590.77
I enjoy conducting [school science] experiments with my students. 3.300.640.65
I really enjoy teaching my [school science] subject. 3.420.590.80
I enjoy preparing good questions for my students. 3.350.570.74
I'm interested in my students' individual academic development. 3.380.580.66
Engaging in my subject is one of my favourite activities. 3.190.660.71
I enjoy discussing various solutions with my students. 3.340.560.74
I always enjoy teaching students new things. 3.400.570.73
I engage in my subject because I enjoy it. 3.380.600.80
I enjoy discussing how to solve a problem with my students. 3.400.550.76
I enjoy interacting with students. 3.490.540.72
I enjoy the preparation work involved in teaching a broad topic. 3.150.640.65
I enjoy seeing the benefits that my classroom management brings to students. 3.410.560.68
Because I enjoy engaging in my subject, I will continue to teach it. 3.410.600.77
My students and I enjoy applying natural [broad science] phenomena to everyday life problems. 3.290.600.68
It’s a pleasure to teach. 3.340.630.69
I enjoy spending time on course design. 3.110.640.60


1Strongly disagree
4Strongly agree

StudiePISA - Programme for International Student Assessment (2015)

ErhebungFragebogenerhebung (Skalenkollektion): Chapter 18 - Teacher Qualifications and Professional Knowledge (PISA 2015)

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